Eye Compress Treatment Pack

Eye Compress Treatment Pack





Bruder masks – Clinically proven to improve dry eye.

  • Not filled with inexpensive gels or silica beads like most other masks.
  • It is the only mask that contains patented silver-infused beads.
  • This ensures a pure, clean, MOIST heat with every use.
  • This unique design also helps to repel bacteria and keep eyelids clean.
  • The attention to detail and commitment to scientifically backed material selection is what makes the Bruder mask stand out.

The compress also effectively withstands the rigors of daily use and regular cleaning — the beads will not break down or lose efficacy like other compresses that contain silica gel beads, gel, or grains.


Only MediBeads® absorb moisture into the center of the bead, resulting in even, extended moist heat. In other compresses, moisture sits on the surface, where it quickly evaporates, causing dry, uneven heat and dangerous hot spots.