I-Drop Pur Gel

I-Drop Pur Gel




The Most Effective Viscoadaptive, Preservative-Free Artificial Tear Available.

Who Should Use I-DROP® PUR GEL?

I-DROP® PUR GEL is recommended for patients diagnosed with severe chronic dry eye syndrome who are looking for the ultimate relief and comfort for their dry eyes.

What Are The Benefits Of Using I-DROP® PUR GEL?

  • Preservative-Free
  • Immediate and longer-lasting relief
  • Superior moisturizing and lubrication
  • Non-blurring upon application
  • Lower therapy costs due to the need for less applications


What Makes I-DROP® PUR GEL Unique?

  • The Viscoadaptive property of I-DROP®PUR GEL contains 0.30% HA with added glycerin. This formulation allows the drops to move back and forth across the surface of the eye with every blink, thus allowing for a longer residence time. It offers a higher hydration capability and stabilizes the lipid layer of the tear film, resulting in superior comfort to the patient.
  • Our sophisticated one-way valve dispenses 1 sterile, dosed drop at a time (no wasted product) and eliminates any chance of the product re-entering the bottle.
  • Our anti-bacterial tip ensures sterile delivery of each drop.
  • When the drop is dispersed, there is a distinctive blue tip which facilitates “aiming” by the patient.


How Long Can I-DROP® PUR GEL Be Used Once The Bottle Has Been Opened?
I-DROP® PUR GEL can be used for up to 12 months after the bottle has been opened.